Lake Guntersville Division, U.S.Naval Sea Cadet Corps


Lake Guntersville Division's Top Recruiters
Our Sponsor, American Legion Post # 8
Organization of the NSCC
How to become a Sea Cadet or League Cadet
Map To Lake Guntersville Division
Our Drill Site, Ossa-Win-Tha Resort
Recruiting Form
Plan Of the Month
Links of Interest
Chain Of Command
Sailors Creed
Cadet Information Page

History of Lake Guntersville Division

Lake Guntersville Division was formed on June 3, 2000 and held their first two drills at the Guntersville Recreation Center off highway 69 north. Our sponor was, and still is the American Legion Post #8 in Guntersville, then Post Commander Dave Derrick. Commander Derrick played a very large part in the Unit formation as has his predicessors Post Commander Bobby Campbell and Post Commander Frank Rhodes. They moved from the Recreation Center to the Alabama National Guard Armory with the help of SFC Ted Williams in August of that same year and drilled there until September 11, 2001 the day of the attack on hte World Trade Center in New York. Since that time they have drilled at Ossa-Win-Tha Resort just north of Guntersville, with Mrs. Inez Reese and her granddaughter Instructor Michelle Ortega-Edwards NSCC.

Unit Commanding Officers,                   
Past andPresent

LT Stanley A. Marrett NSCC
First Commanding Officer and founder of Lake Guntersville Division

LTjg Ricley D. Rollings NSCC
Second Unit Commaning Officer, Lake Guntersville Division

Third Commanding Officer
Ensign Timothy F. Causey NSCC

ENS. Dana Parker
Our Current Commanding Officer